Called to Care:

The Tift Regional Medical Center (TRMC) Foundation recently donated $20,000 to Called to Care in Tifton, GA.

“Called to Care is a foster care ministry located in South Georgia. It was established to provide a secure and loving home for these children,” said Mandy Brooks, TRMC Foundation Director says. “Yet hardships, of all kinds, often stand in the way, leaving children hopeless and alone as they navigate the world of foster care and adoption.”

Foster care, adoption, missions, foster youth mentorship, social work support and trauma informed care are the six primary areas of focus for Called to Care. As the largest foster care ministry in South Georgia, they have had the privilege of serving over 20,000 children in the past 11 years, and the work continues. Foster homes frequently have urgent requirements and the funds from the TRMC Foundation will be used to assist with bedding and car seats for the families.

“The TRMC Foundation was thrilled to partner with Called to Care. The donated funds were made available by the TRMC Foundation’s “Hearts and Diamonds” Gala,” said Brooks. “This year’s fundraising efforts will continue to provide community support to our area EMTs; as well as organizations like Called to Care.”


Premature Anne Manikin:

The TRMC Foundation recently donated a premature Anne Manikin to the Obstetrics department at Tift Regional Medical Center. 

This donation will benefit our obstetrics, by teaching life-saving skills for our pre-term births. This manikin is equivalent to a 25-week-old baby. All newborns need their first ten minutes of life, but premature babies especially need those crucial moments. Being ready for any situation is essential because complications from preterm births are one of the main causes of death for children under five. According to Mandy Brooks, "This manikin will improve patient care and build staff confidence by getting them ready for our most vulnerable patients."

Pictured (L-R): Dr. Bill Hancock; Chairman of the TRMC Foundation Board/Physician, Kimberly Ward, RN; Assistant Nurse Manager in Perinatal Services, Allison Presley; Nurse Practitioner on Pediatrics, Christina Davis; Nurse Practitioner on Pediatrics, Dr. Margaret Richardson-Nixon; TRMC Foundation Board Member/Physician, Mandy Brooks; Executive Director/CEO of the TRMC Foundation, Joe Manning; TRMC Foundation Board Member, Chris Dorman; TRMC Foundation Board Member/CEO of Southwell, Tamara Branch; TRMC Foundation legal consultant, Mary Perlis; Secretary/Treasurer of the TRMC Foundation Board.  


 Peanut Butter and Jesus Van Donation:

The TRMC Foundation recently funded a transportation van for Peanut Butter and Jesus. The vehicle will be used to deliver peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to area residents on Saturday mornings. Peanut Butter and Jesus delivers between 1,600-1,800 sandwiches each Saturday, serving 500-600 families. This program has been active for over 6 years and has been beneficial in helping feed our community. 

Pictured (L-R): Tony McBrayer; Chief Financial Officer of PB&J, Dr. Bill Hancock; TRMC Foundation Chairman and Physician, Joe Manning; TRMC Foundation Board Member, Tamara Branch; TRMC Foundation Legal Consultant, Dr. Margaret Richardson-Nixon; TRMC Foundation Board Member and Physician, Mandy Brooks; TRMC Foundation Director and Mary Perlis; TRMC Foundation Secretary/Treasurer. 


Patient Care Manikin for Hope EMS:

The TRMC Foundation recently presented a patient care manikin to Hope EMS. This technology allows medical professionals the ability to extend their learning. Medical training manikins allow nursing, clinical and emergency training. The manikin provided is lifelike, which allows the student an opportunity to excel when faced with a real patient emergency. 

Pictured (L-R): Dr. Margaret Richardson-Nixon; Tift Regional Foundation Board Member/Physician, Allen Owens; Chief of Hope EMS, Chris Dorman; TRMC Foundation Board Member/TRMC CEO and Mandy Brooks; TRMC Foundation Director. 


 Patient Transportation for the Anita Stewart Oncology Center: 

The Tift Regional Medical Center Foundation recently donated a 2024 Honda HR-V to the Anita Stewart Oncology Center in Tifton. The vehicle will provide transportation to Oncology patients who do not have access to a vehicle. The van currently serves 15-20 patients per month in a 50 mile radius. "One of the biggest barriers to care identified year after year for Oncology patients is transportation. Thanks to the Foundation, we are better equipped to address this concern to ensure our patients continue to have access to the care they need. We are grateful to have the opportunity to offer this resource, " states Denise McAdams, Director of the Anita Stewart Oncology Center Service Line. 

Pictures (L-R): Denise McAdams, RN, OCN; Director of Anita Stewart Oncology Center Service Line, Dr. Margaret Richardson-Nixon; TRMC Foundation Board Member/Physician, Mandy Brooks; TRMC Foundation Director, Chris Dorman; TRMC Foundation Board Member/CEO of TRMC, Dr. Apurva Shah; Anita Stewart Oncology Center Medical Director, Dr. Wesley Walker; Anita Stewart Oncology Center and Dr. Sahithi Chittamuri; Anita Stewart Oncology Center. 


12 Lead EKG Machine for Hope EMS:

The Lifepak 15 monitor/defibrillator was given to Hope EMS by the Tift Regional Medical Center Foundation. The purpose of the 12 Leads is to do a diagnostic EKG while traveling to the hospital. Subsequently, the technicians will transmit the results to both the Emergency Room and the doctors' cell phone. By doing this, Tift Regional and the doctor will be able to save time by getting prepared for the cardiac arrest patient before they arrive. 

Pictured (L-R): Joe Manning; TRMC Foundation Board Member, Allen Owens; Chief of Hope EMS and Mandy Brooks; TRMC Foundation Director.


Tobii Dynavox machines for Speech Therapy at Southwell:

The Foundation recently donated two Tobii Dynavox to Tift Regional's inpatient speech therapy.  The Tobii Dynavox is used to communicate with stroke victims, patients on ventilators or any other patient that has communication barriers through eye tracking technology.  "This device will be a huge benefit for inpatient, outpatient, palliative and hospice patients that need a way to communicate.  It enables them to connect with others all while offering independence," states Mandy Brooks. 

Pictured (L-R): Mandy Brooks; Director of the TRMC Foundation, Tamara Branch; TRMC Foundation Legal consultant, Dr. Margaret Richardson-Nixon; TRMC Foundation Board Member/Physician, Dr. Bill Hancock; Chairman of the TRMC Foundation/Physician, Joe Manning; TRMC Foundation Board Member, Rebekah Cottle; TRMC Speech Pathologist, Angie Hunt; TRMC Foundation Board Member, Mary Perlis; Secretary/Treasurer of the TRMC Foundation and Dr. Joe Turner; TRMC Foundation Board Member/Physician. 


AED for Cook County Fire Department and Emergency Management: 

The Foundation donated an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) to the Cook Fire Department and Emergency Management Center.  "An AED is a small portable, life-saving device designed to treat victims who are experiencing sudden cardiac arrest, " states Mandy Brooks with the TRMC Foundation.  This device is often placed where a large amount of people gather; such as schools, recreation departments and first responders. 

Pictured (L-R): Johnny West; Cook County Fire Chief and EMA Director and Mandy Brooks; TRMC Foundation Director.   


 Lifeline Arm for Hope EMS:

The Tift Regional Medical Center Foundation recently presented a Lifeline Arms to Hope EMS.  This unit is designed to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) enroute to the hospital and our first responders were able to obtain the devices.    

CPR is an emergency lifesaving procedure that is performed when the heart stops beating.  Immediate CPR can double or triple the chances of survival after cardiac arrest.  With the Lifeline Arm, this device is attached to the cardiac victim and performs effective and continuous CPR throughout transport. 

Pictured from (L-R):  Mandy Brooks; Director of the TRMC Foundation and Allen Owens; Director of Hope EMS. 


Donation from AMEC:

The Donalsonville African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) recently donated over $1,000.00 to the Tift Regional Medical Center (TRMC) Foundation.  The donation was made honoring the residents at the Sylvia Barr Center at Southwell Medical in Adel.  The funds will be used for special activities and events.  These activities promote occupational therapy with a fun and creative approach.  To learn more or to donate to the Tift Regional Medical Center Foundation, please call 229-391-3310.    

Pictured (L-R):  Mandy Brooks (Director of the TRMC Foundation), Carolyn Campbell, Rev. Kenneth Cody, Sherri Bell, Freddie Cody, Cynthia Ingram, Annette C. Williams (members of Donalsonville AMEC), Jay Carmichael (COO Southwell), Amanda Ramshead (Director of Behavioral Health), Pauleena Akers (Social Services Director), Lori Goldinger (Activities Coordinator) Tiara Wiseman (Patient Care Tech)


Prince Toyota Grant:


Together with Toyota Motor Sales, Prince Toyota is pleased to support the community by donating $5,000 to the Tift Regional Medical Center Foundation.

This donation will support the TRMC Foundation's initiatives, which include financial assistance for patient families, medical technology, community programs, and high-quality healthcare for all patients within Tift Regional's 12-county service region. The yearly "Hearts & Diamonds" Gala will also benefit from these donations.

Prince Toyota is a proud partner in the Tifton community and this grant has been funded for fourteen consecutive years.  To learn more, please visit or

Pictured (L-R): Mike Little; General Manager of Prince Automotive, Heather Prince Stripling; Prince Automotive, Mandy Brooks; Executive Director of the TRMC Foundation, Heidi Prince Massey; Prince Automotive and John B. Prince, III; Prince Automotive.